Zack Snyder Hints at Theatrical Release for his 'JUSTICE LEAGUE' Cut: Is the Big Screen Ready for Darkseid?

Zack Snyder has teased that his version of Justice League, known as Zack Snyder's Justice League, will be getting a theatrical release. In a post on the social media platform Vero, Snyder shared an image of Ben Affleck as Batman from his cut of the film and wrote "Want to see ZSJL on the big screen... stay tuned for a date." This strongly suggests that Snyder's four-hour director's cut of Justice League, which was previously released exclusively on the streaming service HBO Max in 2021, will soon be coming to theaters. No official release date has been announced yet, but Snyder's comments indicate that fans can expect to see his version of the film on the big screen in the near future.

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