A Ticking Time Bomb: Why Indians Are Having Heart Attacks a Decade Younger

Indians are experiencing heart attacks 10 years earlier than people in Western countries due to a combination of factors, including:

Lack of physical activity and unhealthy lifestyle choices: Indians are adopting more sedentary lifestyles and consuming diets high in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol, which are major risk factors for heart disease.

Genetic and biological factors: Studies have shown that Indians have a greater genetic predisposition to heart disease, higher insulin resistance, and smaller coronary arteries compared to other ethnic groups. This makes Indians more vulnerable to developing heart disease at a younger age.

Environmental and socioeconomic factors: Transitions in India such as urbanization, changes in diet, and increased stress levels have contributed to the rise in heart disease among younger Indians.

According to the Indian Heart Association, 50% of heart attacks in Indian men occur under the age of 50, and 25% occur under the age of 40. The age-standardized death rate for cardiovascular disease in India is also higher compared to global levels.

Doctors emphasize the importance of early screening, lifestyle modifications, and addressing risk factors like family history, diabetes, and hypertension to help prevent heart attacks in young Indians.

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