Nokia Rings in a New Era: CEO Makes World's First Immersive Phone Call, Redefining Telecommunication

Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark
Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark

Highlight: Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark made the world's first "immersive" phone call using a new technology called "immersive audio and video" on June 10, 2024. This groundbreaking call was conducted over a public 5G network using a regular smartphone and featured three-dimensional sound, significantly enhancing the live voice calling experience.

The world of communication took a giant leap forward this week as Pekka Lundmark, CEO of Nokia, made history with the world's first immersive phone call. This groundbreaking achievement, conducted over a standard 5G network, ushers in a new era of telephony, promising a more natural, engaging, and lifelike calling experience. But what exactly is immersive calling, and how will it revolutionize the way we connect?

From Flat Audio to Spatial Soundscapes: Unveiling Immersive Calling

Our current phone calls rely on monophonic audio, meaning sound is compressed into a single channel. This results in a flat, sometimes muffled experience that lacks the richness of in-person conversation. Immersive calling, powered by the new Immersive Voice and Audio Services (IVAS) codec, shatters these limitations.

IVAS leverages the power of 3D audio technology. Imagine being able to hear the caller's voice not just coming from your phone's speaker, but positioned in space as if they were sitting right next to you. This creates a more natural soundscape, making it easier to discern emotions, follow conversations with multiple participants, and feel virtually present with the person on the other end.

Beyond the Call: A Ripple Effect on Telecommunication

The implications of immersive calling extend far beyond personal communication. Here's a glimpse into what the future holds:

  • Enhanced Remote Collaboration: Imagine attending a virtual meeting where colleagues' voices seem to emanate from their respective locations in the virtual space. This can significantly improve focus, engagement, and the overall effectiveness of remote work.
  • Revolutionizing XR and the Metaverse: As immersive technologies like Extended Reality (XR) and the metaverse gain traction, IVAS can play a pivotal role. It can create a more realistic and interactive experience, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical worlds.
  • Accessibility for All: The ability to pinpoint the location of sounds can be a game-changer for people with hearing impairments. Immersive calling can potentially improve accessibility and inclusivity in communication.

The Road Ahead: Standardization and Widespread Adoption

While this first call marks a significant milestone, there's still work to be done. To ensure widespread adoption, IVAS needs to be standardized across the industry. Nokia, along with other key players, is actively involved in this process, paving the way for a future where immersive calling becomes the norm.

The Future of Telecommunication is Here

Nokia's pioneering work with immersive calling signifies a paradigm shift in how we connect. With its potential to enhance communication, collaboration, and accessibility, this technology promises to redefine the landscape of telecommunication. As the industry embraces IVAS and similar innovations, we can look forward to a future where phone calls feel less like conversations through a tin can and more like real-life interactions, even across vast distances.


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