China Makes Lunar History: Chang'e-6 Delivers First Far Side Soil Samples to Earth

China has become the first country to bring soil samples from the far side of the Moon back to Earth. The Chang'e-6 lunar probe landed in China's Inner Mongolia region on June 25, 2024, carrying approximately 2 kg of lunar soil and rock collected from the far side of the Moon.

The far side of the Moon, which always faces away from Earth, poses unique challenges due to its remote location and rugged terrain. China is the only country to have achieved a soft landing on the far side, first accomplished in 2019. The Chang'e-6 mission built on this success, using a robotic arm and drill to collect samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, a giant crater on the far side.

The returned samples are expected to provide scientists from China and around the world with new insights into the formation of the solar system and differences between the far side and near side of the Moon. This achievement is a significant boost for China's ambitious space exploration program, as it seeks to catch up with the United States and Russia in lunar exploration.

For more detailed report, read the article from our main website here.

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