Lunar Loot! Unpacking the Leaked Cyberpunk 2077 "Moon" DLC

Highlight: According to the leaked information, Cyberpunk 2077 was originally planned to have a substantial DLC expansion that would have taken players to the Moon. However, this ambitious Moon DLC was ultimately canceled by CD Projekt Red in favor of prioritizing the development and release of the Phantom Liberty expansion, which added a new storyline, city district, and quests to the base game. With Cyberpunk 2077's development now officially complete, it seems unlikely this canceled Moon DLC will ever see the light of day. But fans are hopeful the concept could be revisited in a future Cyberpunk sequel.

Night City's neon glow might be captivating, but a recent leak suggests CD Projekt Red set their sights on a far shinier destination: the Moon! The rumor mill is churning after a trove of concept art, blueprints, and map data surfaced online, hinting at a scrapped "Moon" DLC for Cyberpunk 2077. Let's strap in and blast off to explore what could have been a truly out-of-this-world expansion.

A One-Way Ticket to Lunar Intrigue

The leaked files paint a picture of a potential lunar colony brimming with cyberpunk flavor. Concept art showcases sprawling arcologies – self-contained lunar cities – dwarfed by the imposing silhouette of Earth. Imagine traversing these pressurized habitats, each one a microcosm of Night City's chaos, but with the added challenge of a harsh lunar environment.

Whispers suggest players wouldn't just visit the Moon as V. The leak hints at the possibility of controlling a completely new character, perhaps a lunar colonist drawn to Night City by rumors of easy money, only to find themself embroiled in V's world. This narrative shift could have offered a fresh perspective on Night City's underbelly, contrasting the desperation on Earth with the ruthless opportunism of the lunar elite.

Beyond the Neon Glow: What the Moon DLC Could Have Offered

The leaked Moon maps reveal a potential open-world lunar landscape, dotted with corporate outposts, mining facilities, and even what appears to be a black market bazaar operating under a makeshift dome. Imagine blasting through moon dust on a souped-up space motorcycle, evading corporate security while smuggling black market goods. The possibilities for unique lunar weaponry, vehicles, and cyberware are tantalizing.

The harsh lunar environment could have introduced new gameplay mechanics. Low gravity could have opened doors for innovative movement options, while the constant threat of radiation exposure could have necessitated the use of specialized gear and environmental hazards to navigate. Imagine high-stakes infiltration missions where every wrong step could mean a lethal dose of radiation.

A Scrapped Dream: Why the Moon DLC Might Not Have Landed

While the Moon DLC holds immense potential, several factors might have led to its cancellation. Cyberpunk 2077's rocky launch may have forced CD Projekt Red to prioritize fixing the base game before expanding upon it. The sheer ambition of creating a whole new lunar world could have proven too resource-intensive, especially considering the likely need for new animations and gameplay systems.

A Glimpse into the Future?

While the Moon DLC might be a lost dream, the leaked content offers a glimpse into CD Projekt Red's creative vision for Cyberpunk 2077. With the recent release of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty being confirmed as the only major expansion, the Moon content might remain just a tantalizing "what if." However, the upcoming sequel, codenamed Project Orion, could see some of these scrapped ideas resurface. After all, the Moon holds a certain allure in the Cyberpunk universe, and who knows, maybe V's journey might take them beyond Night City yet.

So Chooms, fire up your neuralink and join the discussion! What are your thoughts on the leaked Moon DLC? Would you have liked to explore a lunar colony in Cyberpunk 2077? Share your theories and laments in the comments below!

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